Sunday, November 11, 2012

Staying Sane and Organized this Holiday Season

Here we are, yet another holiday season is just around the corner. The departments stores have already decked the halls and the turkey hasn't even been in the oven for the Thanksgiving feast! There is typically an onset of panic for most of us right around this time of the year. No need to fear, tis the season to be jolly...right?  I have come up with a list of a few ways to stay sane from now until the first of the year that will guarantee a stress free and organized holiday season!

Make a List and Check it Twice
Start with a list. Take out that pen and paper (or smart phone) and write down all of the thoughts that you have in your head about getting through the holidays. Just scribble away and have it leave your head and land on the paper. The pen is mightier than the sword! Clear your mind of any holiday stresses that are living in your mind, you will feel better when you do.

Organize your Thoughts and Plan a Schedule
Look over the list and now organize your plan of attack by breaking down the thoughts. One task at a time!

  • Holiday cards need to be sent out? First step know where your addresses are and have them ready to go along with your holiday card list. Always recommended to have the list in designated spot so every year you know just where to find it! Once you have purchased the cards and stamps choose a day to write them out, seal them and drop them in the mail. 
  • Create a gift guide for yourself. Write down all the names of those you are buying for and the gift you plan on giving them, also perfect time to set your budget. Jot down a dollar amount next to each name and take this with you when shopping. Choose your time for gift buying- the weekend, a week night, mark it on the calendar! 
  • Decking the halls? Decide on a day that works for you and your family on decorating for the holidays. Designate an area for where you will put anything you are taking down while putting up the holiday decorations.
  • Menu planning may involve speaking with family friends about who is whipping up what. Contact those that may be bringing a dish to be clear everyone is on the same page. Create a list in advance of what you will need for your food contribution. 
Take Stock and Purge if Neccesary!
Prior to Thanksgiving do a quick inventory on what you may need for decorations, holiday gift wrapping and even dinnerware if you are hosting.

  • Purge the pantry to make room for the holiday food you will be purchasing. Check for expiration dates! Preparing foods well in advance? Be sure you have the extra space in your freezer, fridge or cupboards for the influx of the food! 
  • If you have little ones do a toy purge! Taking stock on the toys that they have will help to avoid them receiving duplicate toys for gifts. If you are donating toys look for any organizations that are taking toy donations for the holiday season. 
  • Take stock on the wrapping supplies. Tape, gift bags, bows, paper, etc. Knowing what you need will always avoids over spending! (Be sure to check out my gift wrapping organizing system blog post!)
Stay Focused and Breathe
We all have our melt down moments. We would not be human if we didn't. However remember the holidays are about family, friends and showing them all just how important they are to us. Do not over extend yourself by saying yes to every invitation and ask for help if you need it! 

Organized for Life wishes all of you a happy and healthy holiday season!  


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